
Small Groups

Fellowship Group   -   Meets at the church the first Sunday evening of the month

UCC Christian Family Night

  -   Different events designed for all of God's family to enjoy with each other outside of Sunday worship.   Meets as scheduled - location varies- see announcements.

Ladies Fellowship

  -   Meets at the church once a month as scheduled.  For upcomming events see announcements


Looking for sustenance of body AND soul?     Share a meal and discussion of what concerns YOU in a safe, nonjudgemental, intimate small group setting.   Have questions about God?  Jesus?  What IS Christianity really?   How am I supposed to live a Christian life in today's society?  How do I stay focused on school, my job, my family, without losing myself?   Discussions are driven by the indiviuals present.   Leave a message for Greg or Traci Steere for more info- 517-332-5193.   

Going to church on Sunday 

makes you a Christian just as much as

sitting in your garage makes you a car.

It's what you do in between Sundays 

that makes the difference.  

Community Outreach


Prayer Room

     UCC has a new space dedicated to prayer!   Located off of the main sanctuary, this space is available for anyone who has petitions or praises to lift up to God.   If you are moved to prayer during worship service, simply enter the room and a "Prayer Warrior" will join you, pray with you, listen to you and support you.  
     Anyone, at any time, may enter the room for an intimate prayer space.   There are Bibles and suggested scripture for specific concerns on the table.   Paper and pens are available for notes, or to post on the petitions and praises boards.  Our Prayer Warriors will pray for ALL board postings.  
     Let the power of Prayer and Christian Brotherly Love bring you to a closer relationship with the Lord!!

   "No one has ever become poor from giving." Anne Frank


Lansing Christian Services

PO box 22112
Lansing MI 48909-2112

Great Lakes Christian College

6211 W. Willow Hwy
Lansing, MI 48917

Rock Lake Christian Assembly

PO Box 340
Vestaburg, MI 48891

New Churches Of Christ Evangelism

Rock Lake Christian Assembly 
PO Box 1031
Mount Pleasant, MI 48804

Campus Ministries- His House

     Prior to 1969, the only outreach to university students in Michigan was attempts by local churches near a campus to include students in their programs.   Michigan State University students brought the need to the attention of the elders at the University Christian Church in East Lansing.   These men of vision formed a state-wide steering committee which led to the formation of the first campus ministry at MSU.
     Gary Hawes was called to be the first campus minister in 1969.   Now, fifty plus years later, God has used Gary's passion and energy to grow this ministry from one campus to eleven campuses, with over 35 full-time staff.   Even more spectacular is the growth in student involvement from fifteen in 1969, to over fifteen hundred today!
     University Christian Church continues to support this God driven ministry in bringing students to Christ, growth in faith, service, Christian friends and a home away from home.   Most recently, we congratulate Gary Hawes on his retirement!   Well done Gary!

His House Christian Fellowship
1171 Trowbridge Road
East Lansing, MI 48823

Jamaica For Jesus

Winston “Jacko” Jackson
P.O. Box 104
Kingston 20
Jamaica, West Indies

home address:
82 Greniston Dr
Westmore Gardens Spanish Town
P.O. 104
St. Catherine, Jamaica, West Indies

Executive Director, Coleman Yoakum
32 Newberry st
Pontiac, MI 48341-1134